

Der Deutschen Schule Jakarta liegt unsere Natur und die Herausforderungen, die vor uns liegen, sehr am Herzen. Daher teilen wir unsere Aktivitäten als Grüne Schule und hilfreiche Gedanken zu diesem Thema mit unserer Gemeinschaft.

Students are standing next to each other at DSJ park holding signs that say ''green''
27 Mai, 2024
Deutsche Schule Jakarta Green Week 2024, held from April 22nd to 26th, was a fantastic success, highlighting our commitment to environmental sustainability. A highlight was the participation of Benedict Wermter, also known as "Bule Sampah," a renowned German environmental influencer in Indonesia.
Prof. Dr. Rahmstorf lecture at Deutsche Schule Jakarta on Climate Change and Oceans
03 Nov., 2023
Unlocking the Science: Climate and the Oceans The Deutsche Schule Jakarta and the German Embassy proudly hosted a captivating event with world-renowned climate scientist, Professor Dr. Stefan Rahmstorf.
German Ambassador Ina Lepel heading THE Ball at the German School Jakarta school festival
12 Juni, 2023
Embracing the Spirit of Football: our school recently hosted a remarkable event centered around THE Ball. This included an engaging workshop for students, showcasing the power of football to address societal and environmental challenges. One Ball, One World.
DSJ students and parents visit orphanage
01 Feb., 2023
The German School Jakarta hold its annual 2022 Donation Day in early 2023, visiting 2 neighboring orphanages donating cash, food and used toys and books.
12 Jan., 2023
Green DSJ organizes an annual event called the Green Week offering students multiple programs around sustainability and environmental friendliness.
Borussia Mönchengladbach coach Wolfang Heilman lecturing students and teachers at the German School
11 Jan., 2023
As a part of the DSJ Green Week 2022 and the simultaneous Borussia Football camp at our school, a presentation by Wolfgang Heilmann, coach at Bundesliga club Borussia Mönchengladbach, inspired the DSJ audience to become even more environmentally aware
15 März, 2022
Just a few days ago our partner school YCM (Yayasan Cipta Mandiri) in Bogor celebrated its 20th anniversary — congrats! Throughout two decades hundreds of kids from eligible families have participated in its free educational classes. After the last two difficult Corona-ridden years, the spirits are high again and the next big goal is to set up a better computer room to provide more kids with better technical skills. "We need tables, chairs, shelves - basically everything", the media coordinator Apry had told Frau Nissen, leader of the project group partner schools at DSJ, in a recent talk. So off she went yesterday, March 15th 2022, taking older school furniture and new interns on her way to Bogor. Hard work - especially for the YCM coordinators and our intern Hannes, who had to carry the heavy pieces the last 300 meters through the narrow streets. But also lots of fun, happiness, and - as always - a delicious meal prepared and cooked by the YCM students. Very happy to be back after more than 2 years was Gesine Nitzschke (62), who founded YCM together with an Indonesian teacher and friend in 2002. "It just feels sooo good to be back here and see everyone again. We are like a big family and I am so very proud of my kids here"
Deutsche Schule Jakarta, BLOG, challenges our world is currently facing
von Grade 10 30 Juli, 2021
The Deutsche Schule Jakarta students of grade 10 worked on their own or in pairs on environmental issues such as Plastic Waste, Climate Change, Rising Sea temperatures and others - creating outstanding Posters
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