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Challenges our World is Currently Facing
July 30, 2021
Students Grade 10
Challenges our World is Currently Facing
July 30, 2021
Students Grade 10

Dear DSJ community (and everybody else 😊),


with this blog entry I would like to make you aware of the amazing outcome of an English project that I did with grade 10 of school year 2020/21.

The overall topic the students were dealing with at the time was The Environment and, in this context, they created informative and educational posters on Challenges our world is currently facing. The students worked on their own or in pairs on issues such as Plastic Waste, Climate Change, Rising Sea temperatures and others.

They focused on causes and effects as well as measures which have already been taken or need to be taken in the future to improve the situation. As you will see, the outcome is really worth sharing with everyone in the DSJ community or other people who are interested in this topic.

I am sure that everyone will learn something new while studying these posters!

On June 16th 2021, in the context of our annual Green Week (organized by our project group Green DSJ), the students also presented their posters to students from grade 4 to grade 9 during a zoom call. Based on the feedback we’ve received; students and teachers were equally impressed by the products which were not only well researched but also presented in an almost professional way.

As their teacher, I am incredibly proud of my students who proved how skilled they are when it comes to using the English language and creating digital products which might raise the necessary awareness our planet so badly needs.

I hope you all appreciate the following products. Please feel free to share this blog entry with friends and family members and leave comments below.

Thank you for your kind attention!

Cornelie Kuttig (Ms K),

English teacher at DSJ

01:  (Plastic) Waste

by Megumi & Naira

Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Environmental Posters grade 10

02:  Rising sea temperatures

by Vio & Michel

Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Environmental Posters grade 10

03:  Greenhouse gas emissions

by Caitlyn & Nadya

Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Environmental Posters grade 10

04:  Overpopulation

by Anastazia

Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Environmental Posters grade 10

05:  Deforestation

by Johannes

Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Environmental Posters grade 10

06:  Extinction of animals

by Taliah & Nadine

Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Environmental Posters grade 10

07:  Species and climate change

by Taliah & Nadine

Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Environmental Posters grade 10

08:  Palm oil industry

by Maximillian and Andrew

Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Environmental Posters grade 10

09:  Climate change

by Edy

Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Environmental Posters grade 10

10:  Rising sea levels

by Sena and Zoe.

Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Environmental Posters grade 10
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