We are here to help you

Understanding how challenging the search for the right school can be, we will ensure the best possible guidance for you and your child.

Do you have important questions about our education and the admission process, or are you looking for a new career? Get in touch with us now, we will get back to you in no time!

We are here to help you

Understanding how challenging the search for the right school can be, we will ensure the best possible guidance for you and your child. Do you have questions about our education and the admission process, or are you looking for a new career? Get in touch with us now, we will get back to you in no time!

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Choose Your Topic to Get in Touch with Us

  • A group of people are sitting around a table looking at a book.

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Education & Admission

Curious about our school, our education programmes, or how to enroll your child?

Curious about our school, our education programmes, or how to enroll your child?

Get Free Consultation
  • A group of people are sitting around a table with laptops.

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Career at DSJ

Want to become part of a highly professional team in one of Indonesia's best Schools?

Want to become part of a highly professional team in one of Indonesia's best Schools?

Apply for Jobs
  • A man is holding a child on his shoulders while using a laptop computer.

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Other Questions

Need to get in touch with our school management or maybe you are looking for a corporate partnership?

Need to get in touch with our school management or maybe you are looking for a corporate partnership?

Get in Touch

Other Channels

Other Channels

Call Us (Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm)

+62 21 537 8080

WhatsApp (text us anytime)

+62 818 0861 8080

You can also use WhatsApp and Social Media to get in touch with us, just leave us a message anytime and we will get back to you in no time.

Our Location in Central BSD

Our Location in BSD

Our school is located in the heart of BSD in South Tangerang. Feel free to make an appointment to visit us for a tour.

School Address

Jl. Puspa Widya No.8,
Lengkong Wetan, Kec. Serpong,
Kota Tangerang Selatan,
Banten 15322, Indonesia

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday
07:30 – 16:00

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