Education Culture Made in Germany

We offer quality education for early childhood, primary school, and secondary school, providing your child with a consistent and unique learning experience until successful university entrance qualification.

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Education Made in Germany

We offer quality education for early childhood, primary, and secondary school, allowing your children to have a consistent and unique learning experience until university entrance qualification.

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Our Education Levels

Our Education Levels

  • A group of children are playing with a magnifying glass.

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Early Childhood Education

2 to 6 Years

We welcome children of any nationality to explore the world through play in a safe and inspirational space.

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  • Two young girls are sitting at a table in a classroom.

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Primary School

6 to 12 Years

Every child comes to school with different entry requirements. We give each room for individuality and personal development.

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  • A group of students are looking through a microscope in a lab.

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Secondary School

12 to 18 Years

We educate our students to become capable of studying in any discipline and pursue any career path they can possibly dream of.

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International Program for non-German Children

International Program for non-German Children

We welcome all families without any German background or language knowledge. Your child won't need to be able to speak German before enrolling in our school, because our International Program is tailored for non-German students who will receive individual language courses in three languages — English, Indonesian & German — until they have the same level as their German peers. Learn more about this program to see the educational benefits for your child and its future or watch our Education Talk where Indonesian parents share their experiences with our school and approach.

Our International Program

Study in Germany and Worldwide

Study in Germany and Worldwide

Graduates of the German School Jakarta earn a globally accepted university entrance qualification, the Deutsches Internationales Abitur, and also posses a high quality education, vast language abilities, intercultural competence, and confidence, that allow them to pursue any study programme at any university anywhere in the world.

About University Entrance

The German DIA Curriculum

The German DIA Curriculum

The goal of the German curriculum — the Deutsches Internationales Abitur (DIA) — is to educate students to become capable of studying in any discipline and to develop into confident and independent personalities. The DIA curriculum is regarded more comprehensive compared to other curricula, like the IB or Cambridge. There is no early specialisation, which is a disadvantage from an educational perspective, thus our students can develop their talents in all areas until grade 12.

Only then does the decision take place as to what study path to choose, for example in the field of natural sciences and technology, economics, social sciences, or maybe art, language or literature. The DIA is a globally recognized university entrance qualification and graduates of the German School Jakarta are able to study at any university worldwide, regardless the chosen field of study. This is why the DIA qualification is also known as the General University Entrance Qualification (Allgemeine Hochschulreife).

Languages | Multilingual Learning

Languages | Multilingual Learning

Language competence is key not only to educational success but especially to building a strong foundation for an international career. Our students are unique in mastering at least three languages: German, English, and Indonesian, with the additional opportunity to learn French in secondary school. According to research, bilingualism is promoting creativity and mental flexibility in children.

Benefits of Multiple Languages

Sciences | From Nature to Technology

Sciences | From Nature to Technology

Natural sciences are a one of the priorities in the German curriculum, and especially in Secondary Level II our education prepares students for a higher education in science. We are privileged to have three fully equipped science laboratories for biology, physics, and chemistry that provide crucial firsthand experiences and moreover, we provide fully equipped IT rooms for computer science.

Sports | Healthy Movement

Sports | Healthy Movement

We take our students’ physical activity seriously because we know it drastically improves children’s health in the present and in their future lives as adults. Kids should accumulate at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day to achieve optimal health. And the benefits don’t stop there. Students who move more think better. Increased physical activity also promotes brain development, memory, and cognition. That’s why we provide plenty of sports opportunities in our world-class facilities, creating a culture where physical excellence partners with academic excellence.

Our Sport Education

Borussia Academy Indonesia | Football

Borussia Academy Indonesia | Football

Our partnership with the Borussia Football Academy unites two prominent German institutions in Indonesia, expanding our exceptional sports education. Together we prioritize holistic development and adopt modern training practices, emphasizing skill development, team dynamics, and creativity. Collaborating with German Bundesliga club Borussia Mönchengladbach, renowned for outstanding youth programs, ensures highly qualified coaches and a professional environment. This partnership amplifies our commitment to empowering young talents — in football and beyond.

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Arts | Creative Development

Arts | Creative Development

The arts, music, dance and theatre are subjects that enable our children to deal aesthetically and expressively with their experiences and surroundings, and are an essential part of the culture we live by and a core area of aesthetic education in secondary school. Well equipped art & craft, music and dance rooms, as well as our spacious auditorium stage offer optimal conditions for creative exploration.

Occupational Guidance

Occupational Guidance

Whereas earlier generations were on their own in the transition from school to university and professional life, nowadays it's a matter for the school to support adolescents in setting the course that is so crucial for their future life. In addition to personal support and several information events, where speakers and alumni from a wide variety of professions present their careers and share their experiences, every student will undergo an internship in grade 9 to get a taste of real work life in their chosen profession and company.

Still looking for Answers?

Still looking for Answers?

We will guide you to arrive at a well informed result about your child's future education path with us. Just get in touch with us!

Still looking for Answers?

Still looking for Answers?

We will guide you to arrive at a well informed result about your child's future education path with us. Just get in touch with us!

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