Pädagogische Artikel

Pädagogische Artikel

Mit über 65 Jahren Erfahrung mit qualitativ hochwertiger Schulbildung haben wir einen reichen Wissensschatz auf unserem Gebiet angehäuft, den wir gerne teilen, damit Sie gut informiert sind.

A crowd of people launching balloons on the sports field of the German School Jakarta
1. September 2024
Curious about the costs of international education in Jakarta? Our latest blog breaks down the fees for top SPK schools and explains why some schools, like the German School Jakarta, offer world-class education at a more affordable rate. Discover the benefits, the importance of highly qualified teachers, and what to consider when choosing the best school for your child. Dive into our guide to make an informed decision on your child's future.
A group of young girls are laying on the grass looking at a tablet computer.
5. Juni 2024
An der DSJ lernen Schüler Englisch, Indonesisch & Deutsch. Unser Lehrplan bereitet auf Top-Unis vor und fördert kognitive Flexibilität & globale Chancen.
A female gymnast is doing a handstand on a balance beam in a gym.
4. Juni 2024
Warum ist Sport in der Bildung wichtig? DSJ fördert Bewegung für körperliche & geistige Entwicklung mit erstklassigen Sporteinrichtungen. Erfahren Sie mehr!
Lesewettbewerb der Grundschule an der Deutschen Schule Jakarta
5. September 2023
Du bist ein Schatz! Die deutsche Sprache hat einen schlechten Ruf — dabei ist sie eine der schönsten der Welt: Wieso werben wir nicht mehr für sie?
A women consultant teaching DSJ students about cyber security
28. Februar 2023
During a 360-degree training for DSJ Teachers, Students and Parents YSafe took everyone on a capturing journey through the media jungle do's and don'ts.
A robot is sitting on a wooden bench holding a skateboard.
20. Februar 2023
From “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” by Ruth Fulterer and Maurice Haas. About the chances and challenges of AI in the classroom.
Image collage
3. Juni 2022
By earning the German International Abitur degree at the Deutsche Schule Jakarta, doors will open for your child around the globe, including the most prestigious ones such as Harvard, Yale, Cambridge, and Oxford. Yet we at the Deutsche Schule Jakarta strongly encourage our students to consider pursuing their undergraduate education in Germany. Not only does the Abitur guarantee admission to any German university, but students will also find that their higher education in Germany is tuition-free. With the option of selecting from over 20,000 different degree options with many taught in English, students will certainly find the right program for them. But even if they decide that Germany isn’t the right place for them to continue their education, our graduates are amply prepared to attend English-speaking universities in Australia, New Zealand, Britain, the US, the Netherlands, or Singapore.
Do you plan for your child to study abroad one day? Study in Germany is a smart choice.
von Lena Höher, mother of Emilia, Greta and Isajah 8. Februar 2022
Do you plan for your child to study abroad one day? Besides the more obvious English speaking study locations, Germany with its over 400 world-class universities is a great study location alternative, with some key advantages (e.g. no tuition fees).
Deutsche Schule Jakarta, Zukunft made in Germany. Brand-building by schmidtideas.com Jakarta
von Axel Schmidt, founder of schmidtideas 18. September 2021
If you are curious to know more about the steps DSJ is taking to grow into a successful, well-known international school brand, read about the 3 fundamental steps to develop a relevant brand-positioning and key message. Better understand why effective branding is paramount in today's omni-channel world.
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