Just a few days ago our partner school YCM (Yayasan Cipta Mandiri) in Bogor celebrated its 20th anniversary — congrats!
Throughout two decades hundreds of kids from eligible families have participated in its free educational classes. After the last two difficult Corona-ridden years, the spirits are high again and the next big goal is to set up a better computer room to provide more kids with better technical skills.
"We need tables, chairs, shelves - basically everything", the media coordinator Apry had told Frau Nissen, leader of the project group partner schools at DSJ, in a recent talk. So off she went yesterday, March 15th 2022, taking older school furniture and new interns on her way to Bogor. Hard work - especially for the YCM coordinators and our intern Hannes, who had to carry the heavy pieces the last 300 meters through the narrow streets. But also lots of fun, happiness, and - as always - a delicious meal prepared and cooked by the YCM students.
Very happy to be back after more than 2 years was Gesine Nitzschke (62), who founded YCM together with an Indonesian teacher and friend in 2002. "It just feels sooo good to be back here and see everyone again. We are like a big family and I am so very proud of my kids here"
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