Teacher - Febi Koeshandrini

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Febi Koeshandrini

Program: International

Joined: 2019

Graduate: Atma Jaya Catholic University

Subjects: Arts

Graduated from the English Department of the Education Faculty in Atma Jaya University, Ms. Feby started her journey in Abrakadoodle Indonesia as an art teacher, as well as Kinderland Jakarta as a kindergarten teacher. She then carried the fun, creative and engaging approach in teaching ever since she joined DSJ in 2019 as a Lower Primary teacher. 

Like her other colleagues, Ms. Feby loves the working environment at DSJ. The clean and green atmosphere of the school was the first thing she noticed and loved ever since her first visit, while the warmth and friendliness of the whole staff and students is what keeps her fondness towards the school grows.

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