Teacher - Eka Maylena Susilo

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Eka Maylena Susilo

Program: International

Graduate: Pelita Harapan University
Civics, Indonesian

I studied Financial Management for my Bachelor degree at Pelita Harapan University and then took license of teaching at Faculty of Education Sciences, State University of Jakarta. I have taught at State High School in Jakarta and lectured at State University of Jakarta.


I like being a teacher because I love seeing students enthusiastic about learning, hearing them laugh and show cheerful faces in class. My father and grandfather inspired me to become a teacher even though they never wanted me to be a teacher. I really enjoy working as a teacher at DSJ because the working environment really supports individual progress and good teamwork.

I like watching cooking or baking video then make easy meal or simple baking. The act of cooking or baking is nice because it feels creative and like I'm doing something good to take care of myself and family. While I cook, I always listen to my favorite songs. My only dream is being healthy and happy! When you're healthy, you can enjoy your life! Because you only live once, if you do it right, once is enough.

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