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DSJ at the German Embassy: Unity Day Reception
October 14, 2022
DSJ at the German Embassy: Unity Day Reception
October 14, 2022

Deutsche Schule Jakarta presented itself on this year's Unity Day Reception by the German Embassy Jakarta on 6th October 2022

A group of people are sitting at tables in a room.

After two years of absence, the German Unity Day (Tag der deutschen Einheit) reception party was finally back!

The German Embassy invited partners and friends in Indonesia as well as the German community, institutions and German companies in the country to a festive evening of typical German dishes, drinks and musical entertainment at the Kempinski Ballroom.

The Deutsche Schule Jakarta was proudly presented with a colorful Stand in the adjacent function hall, happily receiving interested guests including our principal Peter Hoffmann and his wife and her Excellency, the German Ambassador Ina Lepel. Thank you for your visit and congratulations to 32 years of German Unity!

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