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Farewell to Our Headmaster: DSJ Says Thank You!
February 3, 2025
Farewell to Our Headmaster: DSJ Says Thank You!
February 3, 2025

Words of Farewell

A man in a blue shirt is standing in front of a crowd of people

Dear School Community, Dear Students, Dear Parents, Dear colleagues, Dear Staff Members:

After eight years at the German School Jakarta, the time has come to say goodbye. This school, this community, and this country have grown very close to my heart, and I look back on these years with deep gratitude – for the many encounters with wonderful people, for the experiences, and for the challenges we have overcome together.

For me, DSJ has always been much more than just a place of learning – it is a vibrant, engaged community built on trust, solidarity, and genuine teamwork. I have been especially impressed by how we have tackled challenges together, whether in everyday school life or in times of crisis like the pandemic. That period demanded a lot from all of us, but it also showed what can be achieved with commitment, flexibility, and unity.

This school has given me the opportunity not only to work with exceptional students, dedicated parents, and outstanding colleagues but also to meet many inspiring people beyond the school community. These encounters have been, and continue to be, a great enrichment for me. I am particularly pleased that we were able to establish a strong alumni network – may DSJ always remain a place where former students feel connected. I am confident that with their human qualities and all they have learned at DSJ, they will contribute greatly to their communities now and in the future.

A matter close to my heart has always been Green DSJ and our commitment to education for sustainable development. The future will only remain livable if we take responsibility for our environment, biodiversity, and nature. Seeing that sustainable thinking and action at DSJ is not just a goal but a lived reality makes me proud – and I hope this path will continue, as it is essential for future generations.

Indonesia and its people have deeply impressed me. Their warmth, humility, unwavering optimism, and sense of unity are qualities we can all learn from. This experience will stay with me for a lifetime.

And since a farewell message should also contain something personal, I would like to share one more request: Those who know me are aware that my heart beats not only for DSJ but also for the many stray cats of Indonesia. They may not always have the best reputation, but anyone who has ever looked into their eyes knows – they possess a unique dignity, yet they need our help. It is my hope that we treat these quiet, often overlooked inhabitants of our cities with respect. Because just like our school, their fate reminds us that community and care make the world a better place.

My wish for the German School Jakarta is that it continues to be a place where young people learn, grow, and develop with joy. I am confident that the future of this school is in the best hands.

I thank all of you for the time we spent together, for your support, your friendship, and the many wonderful moments. I would especially like to thank my wife Birte, who has not only taught at DSJ with full dedication but has also supported me with great patience and understanding throughout my years as school principal. Being the spouse of a school principal is certainly not always easy – which makes me all the more grateful for her support, her strength, and her own valuable contributions to this school. Without her, this journey would not have been the same for me.


DSJ will always be a special place for us, and we look forward to seeing many of you again someday – whether in Germany, Indonesia, or somewhere else in the world.

Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa — Thank you and goodbye!

Farewell to Students

Farewell in the Hall

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