Blog Komunitas

Blog Komunitas

Di sini kami membagikan kiriman dari komunitas sekolah kami serta majalah siswa kami, Hexagon, yang dibuat sebagai bagian dari kegiatan ko-kurikuler siswa kami. Anda akan belajar tentang acara, perjalanan, pemikiran komunitas siswa kami, dan apa pun yang layak untuk dibagikan.

a collage of German School Jakarta pictures of the academic school year 2022/23
3 Januari 2024
Summing Up a Remarkable Year - Rediscover the Highlights of the academic year 2022/2023 at the German School Jakarta!
Hexagon cover of the valentines edition 2023
oleh Hexagon AG 1 Maret 2023
Ein kleines Heft über ein großes Thema — die Liebe. Heiße Stories, absolut genial. Alles was Studenten der Deutschen Schule Jakarta wissen müssen. Fröhliches flirten!
Hexagon Cover, December 2022, from students for students
oleh Hexagon AG 27 Desember 2022
,,Alle Jahr wieder - kommt das Hexagon-Spezial. X-mas, Neujahr, coole Stories, absolut genial! Ein Frohes Neues wünscht die Redaktion ihrer treuen und auch neuen Leserschaft der Deutsche Schule Jakarta Community!"
A group of people dressed in halloween costumes are posing for a picture.
oleh Hexagon AG 5 November 2022
Hexagon has done it again and even better: the most gruesome, horrible and awful Halloween special ever!
Cover Yearbook of Deutsche Schule Jakarta 2021/22
29 September 2022
One Year in a Nutshell — revisit all the Action of 2021/2022 at the German School Jakarta!
The Deutsche Schule Jakarta Orchestra performs on stage
31 Agustus 2022
DSJ Orchestra performs "Yamko Rambe Yamko" at IJMF 2022 in Germany, blending Angklung and orchestra instruments to showcase Indonesia’s musical heritage.
Hexagon July, the Student magazine of Deutsche Schule Jakarta
oleh Hexagon AG 13 Juli 2022
Hexagon summer special - the hottest edition ever! See the best moments with Federal President Steinmeiner, sneak into Herr Neukirch‘s private life, get your personal summer horoscope, chilly music tipps and DIYs to become beach queen. This will truly give you the sweats!
Hexagon April 2022. Our Oster-Fitri Special
oleh Hexagon AG 16 April 2022
Hexagon the DSJ magazine from students for students is back. Now as AG (Thursdays, 1-3 pm), with new and old faces. Hexagon RELOADED! We wish you, dear students, teachers, parents, and all die-hard fans, a lot of fun with our latest edition.
A man wearing a mask and a green elf costume is standing on a balcony.
oleh Hexagon AG 15 Desember 2021
Heiliger Bimbam | Christmas & New Year's Special
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