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Jerman menikmati reputasi yang luar biasa untuk sektor pendidikan tingginya: terdapat lebih dari 400 Universitas, dan banyak di antaranya mendapat nilai tinggi dalam peringkat internasional.
THE (Times Higher Education) has announced its World University Rankings 2021, and this year 21 Universities in Germany have made it into the top 200 - making Germany the third-best represented country in the world after the US and the UK.
Sekali lagi, Universitas Ludwig Maximilian Munich adalah universitas dengan peringkat tertinggi di Jerman, berada di posisi ke-32 secara keseluruhan, diikuti oleh Universitas Teknik Munich di peringkat ke-41 dan Universitas Heidelberg di peringkat ke-42.
Namun - setiap universitas Jerman memiliki tingkat studi dan kualitas gelar yang sama. Oleh karena itu “belajar di daerah” sama saja dengan belajar di kota besar dan juga lebih murah.
Jerman adalah negara non-berbahasa Inggris yang paling penting ...
... negara tuan rumah bagi mahasiswa asing dan peringkat keempat di dunia dengan hampir 400.000 mahasiswa asing
Jerman adalah negara tuan rumah non-berbahasa Inggris yang paling penting bagi siswa asing dan peringkat keempat di dunia dengan hampir 400.000 siswa asing.
The reasons for this attraction besides its world-leading universities are:
- Posisi terdepan Jerman sebagai lokasi sains dan industri
- keragaman pilihan studinya: 20.029 program studi kini ditawarkan di universitas-universitas Jerman (2020)
- including many
English-language study options
especially at the postgraduate level
- a high level of education is guaranteed regardless of the study location
- dengan DIA siswa dapat langsung mendaftarkan program studi apa pun di universitas mana pun di Jerman
- siswa tidak harus bersaing untuk salah satu tempat studi yang disediakan untuk orang asing. Dengan DIA mereka dianggap sebagai mahasiswa berkewarganegaraan Jerman untuk pendaftaran universitas ('Bildungsinländer')
STAEDTLER - Release your creativity!
We are one of Germany's oldest industrial companies and rank among the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of writing, colouring, drawing and modelling products.
With our products, we inspire the creativity of our customers throughout their life: from their first attempts at colouring in early childhood to products for creative work.
Come and join for an internship with us ( click here )
You are a German, Austrian or Swiss brand or company with operations in Indonesia.
Please contact us if you are interested to advertise on our website and sponsor the Deutsche Schule Jakarta; like student Internships e.g.
Talk to Mrs. Baum at marketing@dsjakarta.de
STAEDTLER - Release your creativity!
We are one of Germany's oldest industrial companies and rank among the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of writing, colouring, drawing and modelling products.
With our products, we inspire the creativity of our customers throughout their life: from their first attempts at colouring in early childhood to products for creative work.
Come and join for an internship with us ( click here )
You are a German, Austrian or Swiss brand or company with operations in Indonesia.
Please contact us if you are interested to advertise on our website and sponsor the Deutsche Schule Jakarta; like offering student Internships e.g.
Talk to Mrs. Baum at marketing@dsjakarta.de
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© 2024 Sekolah Jerman Jakarta I Pemberitahuan Hukum I Kebijakan Pribadi
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